Police claim obscured stop sign: Former Lady Saint killed in car accident in Oklahoma

KSCB News - July 27, 2010 12:00 am

On July 15, Kirbi Nicole Wilson drove past the obscured stop sign before crashing into an embankment.

Signs giving advance warning about road construction in the area and the upcoming stop sign were not posted when county crews left the work area the evening before the fatal accident, Edmond officer James Hamm wrote in his eight-page accident report.

Wilson, 27, of Edmond, died in the one-vehicle accident at the intersection of Covell and Westminister roads. She was eastbound on Covell Road at 2:15 a.m. and tried to stop after entering the intersection, the report said.

The construction equipment parked near the stop sign obstructed the view of motorists traveling east on Covell Road, the officer reported. Signs warning about the stop sign and construction area were found on the ground, the report states.

“Wilson would not have been able to see the stop sign while approaching the intersection and would have had no advance warning of a stop sign ahead,” the officer reported.

Ray Vaughn, Oklahoma County District 3 commissioner, said he could not comment about the accident because of possible pending litigation.

“This is very unfortunate,” Vaughn said. “I am truly, truly sorry there was a loss of life out there. It is a tragedy.”

Gerald Wilson, Kirbi Wilson’s father, said he had no comment about a potential lawsuit.

“It was a poorly managed operation,” he said.

Kirbi Wilson was driving the speed limit, Hamm wrote, but from the point where she could have first observed the stop sign, she would not have had enough time to stop the vehicle before departing the roadway.

Wilson and a passenger, Dustin L. Davenport, 31, of Wellston, had been to three bars before the accident. Hamm said he smelled an odor of alcohol on both of them.

She wasn’t wearing her seat belt at the time of the accident, authorities reported.

Davenport, who also was injured, was taken to a hospital by private vehicle for treatment.

Gerald Wilson said he was concerned about the visibility of the stop sign. He said the equipment had been moved by the time he visited the scene of the accident.

“I was told it wouldn’t have mattered if it was the middle of the day or at night, if I had nothing to drink or was drunk on my rear, I wouldn’t have been able to see it,” he said.

Kirby Wilson was a mamber of the 2002-2004 Lady Saints.

Kirby was a mamber of the 2002-2004 Lady Saints.

Read more: http://newsok.com/edmond-officer-reports-stop-sign-was-hidden-in-fatal-accident/article/3479970#ixzz0uuhiud8x

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