LIberal Police Awards Citizens of Valor

Joe Denoyer - March 12, 2021 11:29 am

?–Citizen’s Award of Valor
Nathan Abel, Aidan Rice & Malachi Abel

On January 21, 2021 Nathan and his son, Malachi, were in the area of the 1200 block of N. Roosevelt to pick up Aidan. When entering the vehicle, Malachi and Aidan heard a man calling out for help from approximately 150 feet away. This man was trapped between vehicles. Nathan contacted 911 and then together with the boys, pushed the vehicle out of the way to free the entrapped male. Nathan provided support to the male while Malachi and Aiden stood by ready to assist until emergency responders arrived.

?–Citizen’s Award of Valor
Cerisse Smith and Luis Efrain Lopez

On January 31, 2021, two of Liberal’s citizens, Luis and Cerisse joined together to help a woman whose life was in danger. On that night both parties witnessed a woman in distress jump from a vehicle and began to run. While running, the woman made eye contact with Luis and he could tell she had been battered and needed help. The victim jumped into his vehicle and Luis did not hesitate to drive away from the suspect.

Cerisse, in her own vehicle, had noticed what was going on and saw the suspect begin to follow Luis and the victim. At that time, Cerisse called 911 and followed the suspect as he chased Luis from one side of town to the other. Cerisse was calm under pressure and was able to give a suspect vehicle description and clear directions until officers were able to located them.

Both Luis and Cerisse showed courage in the face of danger, and their quick thinking and selfless acts helped to save the life of a total stranger.

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