Kansas Congressional Delegation to President Obama: Come Visit Ft. Leavenworth

KSCB News - August 5, 2009 12:00 am

WASHINGTON, DC ź?? Today, U.S. Senators Pat Roberts and Sam Brownback, and U.S. Representatives Lynn Jenkins, Dennis Moore, Jerry Moran and Todd Tiahrt sent a letter to invite President Obama and his Gitmo task force to Ft. Leavenworth to see firsthand that housing detainees there or using it as the site for the federal trials and military commissions is dangerous for the community and logistically unreasonable.

The Kansas Congressional delegation is united against this idea and cited in the letter to President Obama the total lack of local support for such a proposal and the many security risks it raises for our Kansas communities. Additionally, they urged Obama to visit the existing facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to fully understand what it means to put a facility like Gitmo in the middle of our American communities.

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