Gov. Brownback Signs Order To Expedite Hay Delivery

KSCB News - August 23, 2012 4:09 pm

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback issued an executive order Thursday to temporarily suspend certain motor carrier rules and regulations in order to expedite the delivery of hay to livestock in drought-stricken areas. Executive Order 12-11, which supersedes executive order 12-06, only applies to individuals who are hauling hay to livestock in drought stricken areas.

�??Our entire state is in an emergency situation with the historic drought of 2012. Livestock producers need the ability to efficiently and safely deliver hay for their animals,�?� Gov. Brownback said. �??With the amount and quality of forage available in pastures declining at rapid rates, this executive order will provide relief to Kansas livestock farmers and ranchers and deliver necessary feed to livestock across the state.�?�

The order temporarily suspends requirements for registration and fuel tax permits from the Kansas Department of Revenue and licensing, certification and permitting rules and regulations as required by the Kansas Corporation Commission. Participating motor carriers are only allowed to operate during daylight hours and must comply with flag, sign and lighting requirements for over-width vehicles. Additionally, participating motor carriers are not allowed to drive during inclement weather conditions.

Participating motor carriers are limited to a load that does not exceed 12 feet in width and does not exceed a height of 14 feet, six inches. Under normal circumstances, haulers are required to obtain a permit for loads exceeding 8.5 feet in width and 14 feet in height.

All other applicable state and federal regulations continue to apply, including the requirement to have a valid driver�??s license. Executive Order 12-11 is in effect until it is rescinded or until drought emergency disaster declarations are lifted.

�??I appreciate the ongoing cooperative efforts among Governor Brownback, other state agencies, the federal government and local communities to respond to and recover from this drought,�?� Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Dale Rodman said. �??While we cannot predict when this drought will end, we can do everything possible today to assure Kansans have access to the recourses they need. We are committed to doing all we can to help farmers and ranchers adapt and recover today but also to plan for the future.�?�

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