Kansas Game Wardens are outlining the guidelines for the upcoming Coyote which runs January 1 through March 31.
2021 will be the first year for this new season. The following rules and regulations apply to this season:
This season is ONLY FOR THE HUNTING OF COYOTES. As with any hunting activity a HUNTING LICENSE is required unless exempt. During this season and with a NIGHT VISION EQUIPMENT PERMIT (required regardless of age), Coyotes maybe hunted using: (1) artificial light (example spotlights), (2) scopes and equipment that amplify visible light (example night vision), and (3) thermal-imaging scopes and thermal-imaging equipment. The USE OF VEHICLES WHEN HUNTING WITH THIS EQUIPMENT IS PROHIBITED. This season and equipment is NOT OPEN OR ALLOWED ON DEPARTMENT LANDS AND WATERS (such as Public Hunting Areas and Walk-In-Hunting-Areas). As with other hunting activities on private property landowner permission is required.