USD 480 Meets, Recognizes Teachers
Joe Denoyer - May 7, 2018 8:34 pm
USD 480
May 7-11, 2018 is National Teacher Appreciation Week and the USD 480 Board of Education began the meeting by recognizing the USD 480 2018 Teachers of the Year from each building. They are each exemplary teachers who are leaders in the improvement of schools, student performance, and the teaching profession.
Winners are:
Lisa Owens – Liberal High School
Brandi Fowler – Eisenhower Middle School
Anita Whiteley – Seymour Rogers Middle School
Lisa Foster – MacArthur Elementary
Louisa Gonzalez – Prairie View Elementary
Janel Durler – Meadowlark Elementary
Deidra Mitchener – Cottonwood Elementary
Jessica Ramos – Sunflower Elementary
Alayna Riley – Bright Start ELC
Also in attendance were Meadowlark Elementary kindergarten students with an example of the pilot writing program being utilized.
Sunflower Bank branch manager, Johnny Vergara, presented USD 480 schools with a monetary donation of $7996.60 as part of their annual ABC program. In new business, the board approved curriculums for several schools, new tile floors for Cottonwood and Sunflower, and general stock supplies for the 18-19 school year.