USD 480 Board To Address Revenue Neutral Tax Rate Resolution

Joe Denoyer - July 8, 2021 1:34 pm

USD 480

The proposed mill levy for the USD 480 2021-2022 budget is 51.314, which is a reduction of .086 mills. Within the budget, the mill levy on the Capital Outlay Fund will be increased by 5 mills, while the mill levy on the Supplemental General Fund and Bond and Interest #1 Fund will be decreased by 5.086 mills. This is where the .086 mill reduction is found in the 2021-2022 budget

Because of the 5 mill increase to the Capital Outlay Fund, SB 13 requires the passing of Resolution 07-12-2021 by USD 480, even though the total mill levy has been reduced. The USD 480 Board of Education will be addressing the 2021 Revenue Neutral Tax Rate Resolution at the Monday, July 12 board meeting.

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