New Business Action Items Included:
1. Resolution 06-06-11-1 (This is the final step of a non-renewal of a non-tenured teacher Jane Mitchell.)
Motion Passed 6-0
2. Technology Rich Classrooms (This is the approval to purchase 192 Lenovo X120e Laptop Computers from Twotrees Technology for $90,720. The funding will come from TRC grant funds.)
Motion Passed 6-0
3. Computer Learning Centers (This is to approve the state contract from Twotrees in the amount of $234,360 for 558 laptops for 93 classrooms. $150,000 will come from the Bilingual Fund, while $84,360 will come from the General Fund.)
Motion Passed 6-0
4. Direct Deposit (This will require all employees to use direct deposit. If an employee chooses not to they do have the option to receive a payroll card that Sunflower Bank has agreed to provide.)
Motion Passed 6-0
5. Middle School Handbooks (This is a vote to approve the Middle School handbook for 2011-12)
6. Success for All (This will approve the contract with Success for All for McDermott Elementary for 2011-12. The funding will come from the General Fund and Title I 2010-11 school funding. The total cost for renewal is $13,950.)
Motion Passed 6-0
7. Map’s Testing (This is the annual renewal for MAP’s testing used for reading, mathematics and language usage in USD 480 is up for renewal. The amount of this renewal is $37,062.50. It will come out of the General Fund.)
Motion Passed 6-0
8. Waiver of GAAP (The State Department of Education called and asked USD 480’s auditors if they would recommend to USD 480 to waive GAAP format (General Accepted Accounting Procedures) and go with a statutory basis. For the last couple of years the state auditors have had to call Byron Bird and Associates to have them explain the district’s audit report and if USD 480 switches to a statutory basis then they would understand the financial statements better.)
Motion Passed 6-0
9. Health Insurance Consultant (This is a contract with the McInnes Group for $54,000. The health insurance committee recommended McInnes to be a consultant to help the district find better health insurance rates for USD 480.)
Motion Passed 5-1
10. Work Comp Insurance (This is to approve the quote from EMC in the amount of $248,243 for work comp insurance for fiscal 2011-12.)
Motion Passed 6-0
The next Board of Education meeting will take place on Monday, June 27, 2011.