USD 480 Board Approves School Improvement Grant

KSCB News - March 23, 2009 12:00 am

The USD 480 School Board met Monday night at the Education Service Center for a regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting was mainly informational with Tri-Agency Director Trudy Oczkus giving a truancy report. Other items for the board to hear about included a Family Fun Fitness Day that will take place, the sick leave bank report, the possibility of course work for teachers to further their education through Kansas State University, and an update about when state assessment scores will be available. One of the action items on the agenda was to accept a school improvement grant. The motion passed 6-0 with one member absent. This is a grant from the Department of Education. Another informational item was the hiring of Chad Thompson as a computer technician. The board also decided to move their next regularly scheduled meeting from Monday, April 6 to Monday, April 13. The motion was also to move the special meeting scheduled for March 31 to April 13 as well and have one long meeting which they have decided will start at 6:30 p.m. The motion was approved 6-0.

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