Town Hall Part III

KSCB News - August 20, 2009 12:00 am

The third and final part of Jerry Moranź??s town hall meeting on Tuesday focuses on the United States borrowing money from China and Moranź??s thoughts on former Alaska Governor Sarah Palinź??s comments on the health care bill including a death panel for children with disabilities.

Moran was asked after the town hall by a reporter what it means for the United States to be borrowing money from a communist nation in China. Moran said that it is something to be concerned about, because it can give China the ability to dictate how we do things in the United States.

“There is a great irony that we’re utilizing China’s money to finance our deficits. It’s a bad deal economically, and it’s a bad deal from our national security point of view. Kansas common sense tells us that if someone holds the mortgage on our house they have something to say about what we do in that house,” Moran said.

Moran was also asked after the town hall by if he agreed with Sarah Palinź??s comments about the current health care bill including a death panel for children with a disability. Moran says he hasnź??t seen the words death panel in the bill, but that this bill will give the government more power to decide who gets medical attention.

“I don’t know that the words death panel are used in the health care bill. We’re still working our way through this 1,017 pages. What I do know is that the more government is involved the more likely there will be rationing of health care in order to quote save money. That means that decisons about health care are going to be made less by our doctors and their patients and more by somebody in their office in Washington D.C.,” Moran said.

Moran plans to vote no on the current House health care bill and anything remotely close to is. He plans to run for a spot in the United States Senate in 2010.

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