Three LHS Students Win Broadcasting Award
KSCB News - April 28, 2010 12:00 am
Bill Van Wyhe and Mark Davis who both teach the Broadcasting class at Liberal High School were at Monday’s Board of Education meeting to report on a Broadcasting Award.
The LHS Broadcasting Class had three students that won the Kansas Association of Broadcasting (KAB), Honorable Mention Award for a 30 second PSA spot they submitted. The spot was titled “Waste”.
The students were Janny Ourn, Maria Pohorecki, and Preston Grant. Ourn was on hand and talked about the award with the board. She said the commercial is about how someone’s waste can sometimes become someone else’s treasure.
Davis said the group entered some other spots as well and that alot of the work the class does airs on channel 16 during different times of the week.
Van Wyhe also mentioned that the Broadcasting class now has a facebook page and that he has uploaded “Waste” along with several other videos that the class has done.