Seward County GOP Elects New Chairman

KSCB News - September 1, 2010 12:00 am

The Seward County Republican Central Committee met for its re-organizational meeting on Tuesday night at the Seward County Administration Building.

There was a change in all four leadership positions within the party. Reid Petty was nominated from the floor and was elected as the new chairman. Petty takes over for John Trimmell, who was chairman for the previous two years.

Sheral Wortman was nominated from the floor and was elected as the new Vice-Chair taking over for Beverly Trimmell.

Sandy Wolfram was nominated from the floor and was elected as the new Secretary taking over for Cathleen Babb.

Terry Kilgore was nominated from the floor and was elected as the new Treasurer taking over for Leonard McDonald.

The Seward County Republicans were united as there was no opposition to any of the nominations or votes.

New chairman Petty said new and exciting things are in store for the local chapter of the GOP.

??Former Chairman Al Shank was very successful during his tenure at raising money for the party with fundraiser mail-outs. We are going to go back to that method and also try some new things to keep the base energized, ? Petty said.

Other new changes to the local chapter will include an email newsletter to keep party members informed with the latest issues. There are also plans to explore the possibility at starting a Young Republicans group.

Locally you can expect to see the Seward County Republicans at the Kismet Little Worlds Fair this Monday and the KSCB Chili Cook-Off later this month.

??We were thrilled to have such a great turnout at our re-organizational meeting and everyone is excited and ready to get involved in getting our message out and helping be apart of taking America back in 62 days, ? Petty said

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