The Seward County Commission met Monday evening and approved an easement request for National Beef Packing Company, LLC to install a water pipeline on property located at the Seward County landfill.
The Commission also approved the reappointment of Nathan McCaffrey and April Warden to the Cimarron Basin Community Corrections Board, and approved the purchase of 3 patrol trucks from Chrysler Corner at $30,910 each and 2 Ford Explorers from Foss Ford for $33,480 each for the Sheriff’s Department.
Approved also was a Change Order with MJE, LLC in the amount of $52,280.00 to come from Landfill funds.
A Service Agreement with University of Kansas Medical Center Research Institute, Inc. and Seward County Health Department for work on RADx-UP, died for lack of a motion, but Commissioners did approve the hiring of five individuals; 3 medics, 2 administrators to run test, paperwork and enter information in EpiTrax with the expense to be paid for through CARES Act – CRF Funding.
Commissioners discussed and reviewed the cost share plans for the KDOT Salley Road Project. The Salley Road project came in $660,725 over the estimate. The Commission approved moving forward with the project.
Commissioners also approved several household and agency requests for CARES Act funding.