Seward County Commission Approves New Health Department Director

Joe Denoyer - May 3, 2021 10:22 pm

At Monday nights meeting of the Seward County Commission, Brie Greeson was hired as the new Director of the Seward County Health Department. She takes over at the retirement of Martha Brown.

The Commission also approved A-K Roofing’s bid of $134,898.95 to fix the leaking portion of the roof over the County Courthouse.

Also approved by Commissioners was the JCAPS 2022 Budget Proposal, the acceptance of another donated water tank for the Seward County Fire Department and the monies to properly set them around the County. The tanks were donated by Arkalon Energy.

Maria Noblejas was appointed to the Southwest Medical Center Board, and Resolution 2021-12 was approved to retitle property as county owned.

The Commissioners also waived the fees for the AG Building so the Black History Committee could hold their Rosa Parks Scholarship Banquet on July 31st.

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