SCCC/ATS Trustees Meet
KSCB News - December 5, 2012 8:30 am
The Seward County Community College/Area Technical School Board of Trustees met Monday, December 3 following a dinner meeting with over 20 students selected as a cross section representation of the college. Ron Oliver, board chair, said it “never ceases to amaze me the quality of students we have on this campus. They are really fun to visit with.”
“Year in and year out, we get such glowing critiques about our staff,” said Dustin Ormiston, board member. “ The comments are so consistent.”
Oliver said he was also impressed with the two holiday drama performances recently.
Sharon Hobble, board member, told the board that the college insurance will probably go about 12 percent in 2013. Al Shank Insurance will present changes in 2013.
John Engel, representative to the Foundation board, reported on the 2011 Foundation audit. The audit was a clean audit and reflected net assets over $5,762,000. Both the Foundation’s assets and its scholarship support are increasing.
Rick Brenneman, board member, told the board he was impressed with the number of legislators who attended the recent legislative breakfast on campus.
Representatives of the Liberal High School Student Government introduced themselves to the board Monday. Celeste Donovan, dean of student services, encouraged the students to attend SCCC/ATS next year.
Kevin Brungardt introduced himself to the board as the interim dean of career and technical education.
Cynthia Rapp reported that evening class finals are now under way and day class finals will begin next week. The campus will close at 12 noon, Friday, Dec. 21.
She also reported that the Higher Learning Commission renewed the college’s accreditation for seven additional years through the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP).
Dennis Sanders, dean of finance and operations, reported that a second part of the boiler that heats the pool is broken and is due to be replaced this week.
He also report on the tax credits program that are available to individuals and corporations. The Kansas Department of Revenue provides an opportunity for individual taxpayers as well as business and corporate entities that pay Kansas income tax to benefit by supporting SCCC/ATS. The donors of these funds may be awarded a tax credit equal to 60 percent of their donation upon approval by the Kansas Department of Revenue. The college uses the donations for identified deferred maintenance projects.
Dr. Duane Dunn, SCCC/ATS president, reported that eduKan continues to grow with online classes offered to individuals nationally and internationally. However, eduKan needs to continue to look at opportunities that are closer to home. EduKan could provide lower-level general education classes to universities within the state.
Celeste Donovan, dean of students, shared videos that have been developed as promotional aspects for corrosion technology and process technology programs. The videos are available on the college website and the college journalism online edition of the Crusader . The videos are designed to promote the programs, which have recently been implemented at SCCC/ATS.
In other action, the board
1. Hired Nina Highfill as an instructor at the Colvin Adult Learning Center;
2. Adopted the 2013-14 calendar;
3. Approved summer hours beginning May 24, from 7 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday through Thursday;
4. Approved continuation of the early retirement policy;
5. Approved the bid from American Plant Products of Oklahoma City in the amount of $204,965 to build a greenhouse for Sustainable Agriculture Resources with STEM grant money;
6. Approved the low bid of $6,139.49 from Tomark Sports of Corona, Calif.; for athletic field equipment for baseball and softball; and
7. Approved a yearly magazine and journal subscription service for the Library in the amount of $7,262.54 from W.T. Cox of North Carolina, for 163 magazines and journals.
The Winter Concert is at 7 p.m., Friday, Dec. 7 in the college theater. Campus is closed December 22 through January 1 and offices will be open on January 2. The next board of trustees meeting will be Monday, Jan. 7 in the board room.