Redskin Boys Take Nine WAC Points at Dodge

Andrew Potter

Today’s results at Dodge City- vs DC and Holcomb-
Varsity Girls finished the day with 2102 total pinfall. Caitlyn Carlile led the team with a 474 series and high game for the girls of 175. JV Girls finished with 1673 total pinfall and earned 6 WAC points. Gaby Ramirez finished 2nd overall with a 345 series. Varsity Boys finished the day with 2646 total pinfall and earned 9 WAC points. Cooper Clumsky finished with a team best 564 series, 2nd overall, and with a team high single game score of 240. JV Boys collected a total pinfall of 1868 and earned all 11 WAC points. All 3 top series going to Liberal. Tayten Cook finish with the top series of 431. Julio Amador finished 2nd with a 385 series. Carlos Campos finished 3rd with a 360 series. As a program Liberal took 26 total points to Dodge’s 18 points. Our JV Boys showed growth from last week by knocking down 148 more pins. During Bakers play our Varsity boy performed great as a team avg 182. Terah Head picked up her third 5-7 split in competitive play. Our next competition is home next Tuesday vs GB.