Nine Local Projects Get Stimulus Funds in SW Kansas

Nine local projects across southwest Kansas, ranging from a minor bridge repair to a complete reconstruction of a segment of a city street carrying a highway, were selected to receive a total of $3.6 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.

The projects selected in southwest Kansas include:

– $396,800 for a three-inch asphalt overlay on Rural Secondary (RS) route 308 in Hamilton County, running south from Coolidge three miles; total project cost is estimated at $496,800;

– $802,002 for reconstruction of a portion of Avenue A (US-50) in Cimarron from 5th Street, east 2?® blocks, replacing the existing pavement with concrete; total project cost is estimated at $1,002,503;

– $478,489 for reconstruction of a portion of Oklahoma Avenue (US-160) in Ulysses from the railroad crossing, east 650 feet; this includes replacing the railroad crossing and replacing the existing pavement with concrete; total project cost is estimated at $637,985;

– $160,000 for a mill and overlay of Hodgeman County road RS 226 in Hanston; total project cost is estimated at $170,000;

– $448,000 for a 3-inch asphalt overlay on RS 1664, known locally as the Bethel Church Road, in Stanton County from RS 308 (Big Bow Grade), west and north nine miles to RS 1899; total cost is estimated at $2,242,355;

– $355,615 for resurfacing North Street in Elkhart, from Baca Avenue, east to Border Avenue; total project cost is estimated at $455,615;

– $99,000 to replace an expansion joint on the east 14th Avenue Bridge over the Arkansas River in Dodge City; total project cost is estimated at $165,000;

– $495,000 for a 4-inch asphalt overlay on a 2-mile stretch of RS 1898 in Scott County, starting two miles west of K-95 and continuing two miles west; total project cost is estimated at $550,000;

– $366,179 awarded to Seward County to construct turning lanes at the intersections of US-83 and Sallie Road and US-54 and Sallie Road; total project cost is estimated $488,239;

KDOTź??s Southwest District received 34 applications requesting $21.1 million for local projects. Ultimately the district was able to allocate $3.6 million dollars to nine projects.