A comprehensive, church wide production that has inspired tens of thousands over the last couple decades, LIBERTY has recently augmented its traditional penchant for patriotic anthems with the addition of a full-scale dramatic musical.
For the last two years, the Johnston family has coped with the realities of a loved one at war. Now, in LIBERTY 2014, the story approaches its defining climax while introducing an additional twist that is sure to intrigue.
“We are working hard to portray the most dramatic, multi-faceted, and meaningful storyline yet,” scriptwriter Erin Rush says. Adds director Tyler Prater, “We are definitely excited about an inspirational plot that is matched with some amazing patriotic music.”
Make plans now to attend on Monday June 30th or Tuesday July 1st at 7:00 each evening at Fellowship Baptist Church, 310 W. Pancake, Liberal, KS. Admission is free, and due to a separate showing for large groups, open seating each night is increased. For a business interested in sponsoring LIBERTY; for more information about the group showing on Sunday June 29th; or, for general inquiries, please call the church office at 624-7601.