Liberal Wrestling Club Goes to Cimarron

Liberal Wrestling Club traveled to Cimarron on Saturday, January 20 with nineteen
wrestlers. Overall, it was a great day of wrestling and learning for these kids.

Esteban Gomez had a great day. He was put into two weight brackets due to weights of
kids that were available. He ended up taking 1st and 2nd with 3 pins for the day. Other wrestlers placed as follows:

6U: Victor Zuniga, 2nd; Baxter Williams, 4th; Genesis Gardea, 3rd
8U: Dominic Zuniga, 3rd; Matheo Ortiz, DNP; Alyvia Holcomb, 2nd
10U: Ian Holcomb, 5th; Juan Mata, 1st
12U: Erick Ortiz, 3rd; Imauri Eikenberry, 5th; Elias Holcomb, 3rd; Alex Rodriguez, 1st; Landon Flores, 4th; Kaysen Del Real, DNP; Landon Castilleja, 3rd; Iovani Chavez, 2nd; Jonathan Del Real, 4th
14U: Dominic Vega, 3rd

Liberal will not be traveling this weekend. Instead they will be holding a mock tournament for the club at the armory to prepare for their upcoming home tournament on February 10th.