Liberal High School Reminds Parents/Students of Prom Requirements

Joe Denoyer - March 22, 2023 10:00 am

2023 Prom Requirements Info Sheet
Prom forms can be picked up at the Main or East office. Prom forms will require signatures from Ms.
Cisneros (Main Office) or Ms. Vega (East Office). Forms need to be turned in by April 7 with Ms. Vega or
Ms. Cisneros.

Prom Requirements:
● Community Service Hours
○ Seniors – 20
○ Juniors – 15
○ Sophomores – 10
○ Freshmen – 5
● Must be Passing five classes. Grades will be reviewed on April 7 for final determination.
● No Special Discipline Plan or Attendance Plan. Students who are on a plan will need to appeal by
April 12.
● Students who are added to a Special Discipline Plan or Special Attendance Plan after
March 31, 2023 will NOT be eligible to attend Prom. No Appeal permitted.
Dates to Remember:
● March 31 or After: Cannot be placed on a Special Discipline or Special Attendance Plan.
● April 7: Last day to turn in Prom Forms.
● April 7: Must be passing 5 classes. Final grade check.
● April 12: Last day to purchase tickets. (Tickets will be sold before and after school). Last day to
Appeal Special Discipline or Attendance Plan.
● April 15: Prom
Appeal Process for Students on a Special Discipline Plan or Attendance Plan:
● Submit Prom form to Ms. Vega and Ms. Cisneros.
● Students will write a letter of appeal. Letter must include the following:
○ What incident caused the SDP/SAP to be applied
○ What have you (the student) done to correct the behavior that led to the incident?
○ What will you do in the future to keep an incident of this nature from happening again?
Do you have a support system to keep you accountable for your actions?
● Appeal letter and prom form will be turned over to the Behavior Intervention team.
● Principal will check discipline logs to determine eligibility for the appeal process.
● Student appeal will be considered, and one of two decisions will be made.
○ Approved
○ Denied
*All appeal decisions are final. The appeal process applies to freshman and sophomore guests.
How to avoid being on a Special Attendance Plan or Special Discipline Plan:
Special Attendance Plan
● 2 on campus skips
● 1 off campus skips
Special Discipline Plan
● 30 demerit points
● Any out of school suspension

Alternative student eligibility will be dependent on attendance and progress and will be approved by Mr. Olmstead.

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