Liberal City Commission To Meet

KSCB News - April 13, 2009 12:00 am

The Liberal City Commission will meet tomorrow night at 6:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting to be held in the Liberal City Commission chambers. On tomorrow night’s agenda will be the Transient Guest Tax Petition, the Final Reading of Charter Ordinance No. 34, which would repeal the 4/10% sales tax that was voted on in 2006. With the Trailmobile debt, and all expenses associated with Trailmobile, being paid in full, the 4/10% will sunset. The new rate will take effect July 1, 2009. The commission will also present plaques to outgoing Commissioners, LaFreniere, and Rash. Newly elected commissioners will be sworn in and the commission will then reorganize and elect a Mayor and Vice-Mayor. In other action items, commissioners will consider vehicle and environmental abatements, new entrances for the Liberal Cemetary, and Engineering services for Airport improvements.

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