Liberal City Commission Meets

The Liberal City Commission met last night at 6:30 for their regularly shceduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, commissioners proclaimed the month of March as National Nutrition Month. Commissioners also heard from Jay Bhatka who was representing local motel owners. The owners are responding to the proposed 2% increase in the bed tax. They oppose the tax increase, citing claims that the increase could hurt their business. Currently the bed tax is at 4%, and hasn’t seen an increase since 1993. Commissioners also moved to a second reading, Ordinance 4371, establishing a system for the issuance of business licenses. City commissioners also made several board appointments. Appointed to the Planning Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals was Sherry Farrell. Bob Grant and Darrell Long were appointed to the Mid-America Air Museum Board. The City Commission also appointed Bill Harrison, Charles Chain, and Richard Matthews to the Arkalon Council. In other action commissioners approved weed spraying throughout the city with costs not to exceed $23,000.00, and approved a cost revision for the Girl Scout Cabin in Light Park from $142, 825.00 to $146,825.00 with the bulk of the money to come from a private donation from Jean Randall.

The City Commission will meet again on March 10, 2009