Liberal City Commission Meets, Moves Several Ordinances Forward

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for their regular scheduled meeting at the meeting, Commissioners moved several Ordinances to their second readings. Included in this was Ordinance 4421, Approving and Adopting a Neighborhood Revitalization Plan for the City, Ordinance 4422 Establishing a Code of Ethics for City Officials and Employees, Ordinance 4423, Establishing a Building Safety Board of Appeals, and Ordinance 4424, Establishing a new Set of Codes for Building, Building Regulations and Code Enforcement. All of these will have their Final Reading at the next meeting on Feb. 25th. The Commission also adopted Resolution 2189 which would start the proceedings for the condemnation of a piece of property at 1100 N. Purdue, and adopted Ordinance 4420 which Rezones 15.9 acres in the McCray Addition form Commercial to Residential. The City Commission will present The State of the City Address on Thursday February 20th.