Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves Another Rural Housing Improvement District

KSCB News - September 24, 2013 9:44 pm

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting. To start off the meeting, the Commission proclaimed October 6th through the 12th Fire Prevention Week. Several members of the Liberal Fire Department were on hand at the meeting, including "Sparky" to receive the Proclamation. The Commission then heard a report from Dustin Ormiston of Hay Rice and Associates on the City Audit for 2012. Ormiston again shared that the City of Liberal is being iscally responsible, and is in very good shape. Commissioners also approved the contract with Hay, Rice and Associates to conduct the 2013 Audit. The Commission moved to a Second Reading, both the Standard Traffic Ordinances. and the Public Offense Codes for 2013. After a brief presentation by Housing Director Karen La Freniere, Commissioners approved another Rural Housing Incentive District, this one in the vicinity of the Village Plaza. This brings a total of 8 Districts approved by the Liberal City Commission. Also approved was an RHID Policy. In purchase requests, approved were 75 Poly Carts and 72 – 3 yard Containers for the Solid Waste Department, and IBM Server Operating System Upgrade for the IT Department. The Commission table the Board appointment for the Housing Authority due to the fact that the lone applicant lived in the Turpin area. The next regular meeting of the Liberal City Commission is October the 8th.


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