Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves 15th Street Project
KSCB News - October 9, 2012 10:15 pm
The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting.Among the items on the agenda, the Commission approved the widening of 15th street from Western Avenue to the Liberal Cemetery. The project will include the covering of the ditches, curb, guttering and a new asphalt surface. J&R Sand of Liberal was the lone bidder on the project with a total cost of $657,440.17. Also on the agenda the Commissioners approved the sale of a portion of a lot in the Self-Help area of town for $1500.00, and approved partnering with the County and Emergency Preparedness in replacing and upgrading all the tornado sirens in Liberal and Seward County. All the new sirens will have a battery back up in case the electricity goes out before a tornado warning is needed. Total cost to the City will be $18,000.00. The Commission also entered into a contract with Garden City and Dodge City for the lobbying services of Pinegar, Smith, and Assoc. Each community in the Southwest Kansas Coalition will pay $12,166.67. The next regular meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be October 23rd.