Liberal City Commission Holds Regular Scheduled Meeting
KSCB News - January 24, 2012 9:23 pm
The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the City Commission honored Dennis Young, Airport Maintainence Supervisor, as he retired after 25 years of service to the City. Among the action items, the Commissioners approved the purchase of an air compressor for the Street Department from RSC in the amount of $15,901.00, approved Water Department staff to sign the Flex Net Customer Acceptance Plan which will start the process of replacing all the water meters throughout the City. and approved the acceptance of a donation from a local foundation in the amount of $3,511.00 for a Security System Upgrade for the Mid-America Air Museum. The City Commission also announced the annual State Of The City Address will be on February the 9th, at 6:30pm at Seward County Community College. The public is invited to attend.