Liberal City Commission Approves HVAC Improvements for Recreation Center

Joe Denoyer - September 28, 2021 3:59 pm

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their final meeting of September. Among the action items, the Commission rescinded Resolution 2355 Kansas Water Supply Loan Fund, the approved a new loan application with KDHE from the Kansas Water Supply Loan Fund with Resolution 2366.

The Commission also rescinded Ordinance 4561 regarding the Annexation of Property, the quickly approved Ordinance 4564 the Annexation of the same property.

Special Use permits were approved fo 1020 N. Grant Street and for a CMS Substation.

At the request of the property owner, another parcel of land was rezoned from agriculture to heavy industrial, and Omar Ibanez was appointed to the Arkalon Council Board.

HVAC improvements at the Recreation Center were approved at $448,890.00, and the City joined the Southwest Kansas Coalition and agreed to pay $1,600 for the Northern Flyer Alliance Research.


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