Liberal City Commission Adopts 2013 Budget

KSCB News - August 14, 2012 9:38 pm

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm in the City Commission Chamber for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda was the 2013 Liberal City Budget. The Commission voted to approve the Budget as presented in the amount of $35,569,176.00. This reflects a Mill Levy of 42.888, unchanged fro the 2012 Budget. The Liberal City Commission has not raised the Mill Levy to fund the operations of the City since 2004. The budget will now go to the Seward County Clerks Office. Other items on the agenda included the purchase of trash bags for the Solid Waste Department, which will then be available for purchase at City Hall, approved the rezoning of a piece of property just south and east of the 2nd and Western intersection from Agricultural to Commercial, and approved the acceptance of an FAA Grant for the reconstruction of the 4-22 runway at the Liberal Municipal Airport. The grant amount accepted was $3,932,654.00 with a match from the City of $216,782.00 for completion of the project. The next regular meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be August 28th.

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