Liberal Chamber is Popping

KSCB News - June 5, 2009 12:00 am

Business members of the Liberal Chamber of Commerce have been receiving special ź??POP-INź?ť visits from the Chamberź??s Red Coat Ambassadors. Members are receiving special bags of pop-corn with Chamber information as a special thank you for being a chamber member.

Chamber Executive Director Rozelle Webb came up with the idea recently and asked the Ambassadors if they would be willing to donate a few hours during the week of June 1st to deliver the popcorn to the members with the catch phrase ź??Weź??re just popping in to say thank you for being a member of the Chamber!ź?ť Webb said the Chamber Ambassadors loved the idea and close to 20 of the Ambassadors volunteered to make the deliveries. Ambassador Rhonda Crawford came up with the catch phrase, ź??Were popping in to say thank you, and now, Iź??m popping out!ź?ť Special thanks go out to the Chamber staff for preparing the membership bags and for Sunflower Theater for donating the pop corn. The Chamber extends a special invitation to any business to join the Liberal Chamber. For more information, please contact Rozelle Webb, Executive Director, at 624-3855 or stopping by the Chamber office on Rock Island Road, in the Depot building.

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