LHS Unified Bowling Wraps Up Regular Season at Hays

Brock Kappelmann - November 3, 2023 12:49 pm

Andrew Potter

Unified Bowling at Hays- Centennial Lanes

11/2/23 Liberal competed in Hays at Centennial Lanes on Thursday vs Hays, Garden City, Great Bend, and Junction City, making up a total of 15 teams. Liberal (B) team comprised of Tanner Denoyer, Logan Apsley, Lexton Batie, and Reece Washburn finish 1st overall with a total pinfal of 843 and a score of 211 in game 6. Liberal (C) team finished 8th overall 621 total pinfall, Liberal (A) team finished 9th with 616 pinfall, Liberal (D) team finished 15th with 337 pinfall. Liberal will travel to Hutchinson next Thursday for regionals.

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