LHS Unified Bowling is State Runner Up

Brock Kappelmann - November 14, 2023 4:21 pm

Andrew Potter

Liberal Unified bowling at the State tournament in Topeka.

The goal is to be competing at your highest level at the end. With a 849 total pinfall Liberal finishes as State Runners up! The team was comprised of Tanner Denoyer, Reece Washburn, Logan Apsley, Lexton Batie, and Jassiel Rodriguez. In its 2nd year, the program was able to grow the program 4x and was the only WAC team to medal in all of regular season meets. “We talk about having high energy and strong mental strength. Today was the best we have bowled all season long and the engery of the team and supporters were elite. It’s been exciting to see the growth of the program and in each individual athlete.” Coach Potter had to say.

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