KDOT Announces Projects In Southwest Kansas

Forty-six projects intended to improve intersections and road deficiencies in Kansas communities have been selected for funding through two Kansas Department of Transportation programs.
Seventeen cities will receive a combined total of approximately $9 million in state funding under the Geometric Improvement (GI) program, and 29 cities will receive a combined total of about $5.4 million under the City Connecting Links (KLINK) program, which funds improvements to state highways that extend through cities.

Cities selected for the GI program and the maximum state contribution in the area include: Elkhart, $500,000 for a project on U.S. 56 from William Street to Emery Lane. GI projects typically improve drainage, capacity and intersections, add turning lanes and more.
Cities selected for the KLINK program and the amounts awarded in the Telegram coverage area include: Garden City, $173,931 for a concrete pavement on Kansas Avenue from 350 feet west of Belmont Place to 400 feet west of Center Street. KLINK projects involve maintenance work such as resurfacing and are funded up to $200,000