Karl Rove Says Fiscal Cliff is Coming

KSCB News - November 29, 2012 5:56 am

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) – Republican political strategist Karl Rove says he’s not optimistic the nation will avoid the so-called fiscal cliff.

Rove told the more than 600 cattle producers attending the Kansas Livestock Association’s 100th convention Wednesday that he is still optimistic that the country will ultimately resolve the deficit problem.

He says the nation is losing sight of the bigger issue of getting the economy growing again.

Responding to an audience question, Rove told the Wichita crowd that social issues are not responsible for splitting the Republican Party. He says intolerance and judgmental language is what is splintering the GOP.

The Republican strategist also says the party needs to take a practical approach to immigration reform that requires illegal immigrants to pay a penalty.

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