Jett Sworn In As Associate District Judge
KSCB News - April 18, 2012 8:33 am
There wasn’t an empty seat, and barely enough room to stand in Courtroom No. 1 of the Texas County Courthouse Monday morning at 9:00.
Many members of the community, bar association, county officers, and other supporters joined together for the Swearing In Ceremony for the Honorable A. Clark Jett, Associate District Judge for Texas County.
Judge Clark Jett was sworn in by Honorable Judge Greg A. Zigler.
Along with being an inspirational and exciting ceremony, there were moments of humor. After being sworn in, there was a moment of laughter as the crowd waited while the new Associate District Judge struggled for a brief second with a button while putting on his robe for the first time. “This is always the hard part,” commented Judge Zigler with a chuckle.