Gov. Parkinson Reflects On Budget
KSCB News - November 16, 2010 12:00 am
Kansas Governor Mark Parkinson says the state will have solid finances and sound energy policy when he leaves office in January.
Parkinson says he hopes his administration is remembered for getting Kansas through difficult times.
Republican Gov.-elect Sam Brownback has said Kansas faces more
budget troubles. But Parkinson contends the budget picture isn’t as
gloomy as the GOP says because of this year’s increase in the state
sales tax.
He also says he’s proud of a deal he struck last year allowing a
new coal-fired power plant in southwest Kansas in exchange for
“green” legislation.
Parkinson became governor when Kathleen Sebelius stepped down
last year to become U.S. secretary of health and human services. He
did not run this year for a full term.