Fire At Guymon Laundromat

Guymon Fire Department responded to an emergency call at 11:17 a.m yesterday morning. regarding smoke coming from a drying unit at the Sudz Your Dudz laundromat in Guymon. Firefighters saw light smoke through the front window and the party reported the smoke was coming from a dryer.

The Guymon Fire Department reported the cause was electrical that caught lint in its’ vicinity on fire. “The fire was contained inside a dryer but where the vent came out, there was flame damage to the wall and the dryer unit was a complete loss,” said Grant Wadley, Assistant Fire Chief. “Firefighters were able to disconnect the electrical portions of the dryer and remove it completely out of the building and we were able to keep the business running.”

The Guymon Fire Department and Guymon Police Department were on scene to handle the incident