Education Club at SCCC Conducts Book Drive
Joe Denoyer - April 19, 2018 12:48 pm
Saints Promoting Education Careers (SPEC), the club for education majors at Seward County Community College, is conducting a school supply and book drive through April 23 to benefit students at local elementary schools. Needed items include pencils, glue sticks, scissors, crayons, dry erase markers and new or gently used children’s books for preschool through third grade level. Anyone with items to donate may place them in collection boxes at four locations on the SCCC campus: the library in the Hobble Academic Building, the humanities office in the Shank Humanities Building, the dorms, or the Saints Bookstore in the Student Union Building. For more information, contact Janice Northerns at (620) 417-1456 or [email protected]