Diepenbrock Says he Fears Teacher Pay Could Take a Hit if Capital Outlay Election Fails

KSCB News - September 22, 2009 12:00 am

Teachers pay could take a hit if Liberal citizens vote’no’ on the capital outlay election. The October 13 election determines whether USD 480 receives four mills or 750-thousand dollars. If citizens vote ‘no,’ Liberal receives no capital outlay money for next year. USD 480 Board of Education president Dan Diepenbrock says that could affect teacher salaries. “We’re negotiating with the teachers this upcoming spring,” Diepenbrock said Monday night during the public forum at the Liberal Depot. “Their two year contract ends this spring. If we go to them knowing we are not going to receive this 750-thousand dollars for capital outlay, I fear we’re not going to be able to maintain our status in the state that we have now and have had in the past.”

Diepenbrock says there is plenty of false information floating around regarding the capital outlay election. “We are happy to provide information to anyone who has questions about the district whether it’s something about the school, the budget, or how money is spent. We don’t get a lot of questions about that. But we do read a lot about rumors in the newspaper.”

Diepenbrock says information regarding this topic in letters to the editor regarding the topic are 95 percent false.

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