City Commission Meets, Approves Truancy Funding
KSCB News - August 28, 2012 10:24 pm
The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the commission heard an update from Police Chief Al Sill on a grant that would fund an additional SRO Officer in the schools.The commission accepted the grant and the Officer has been hired as he, the city and USD 480 all met the terms of the grant requirements. Also on the agenda was Truancy. Before the commission was a proposal for a Truancy Program, developed and to be administered by Ivanhoe Love Jr. of Adolescent Support Services. The program would have a total cost of $172,000.00 which would be split equally between the City, County, and USD 480. If any one of the three entities does not approve this plan and agree to fund it for one year,or if the program fails to bring the results desired, this program will cease. After a lengthy discussion and comments from citizens, the Commission approved funding their portion of the Truancy Program, contingent on the county and school district approving the funding for their portions. The City’s $53,333.33 is slated to come from the Crime Prevention portion of the 1 cent sale tax. The next regular meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be Sept. 11th.