City Commission Meets, Approves Soccer Complex

KSCB News - May 11, 2016 10:21 am

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting started with the Commission Proclaiming May as Poppy Month. Members of the American Legion Auxillary were present to accept the Proclamation.

In items from groups, Al Shank Jr. of Al Shank Insurance, on behalf of Employers Mutual Insurance, presented the City Commission with a dividend check in the amount of a little over $88,000.

Commissioners approved a Community Improvement District for Liberal Restaurant LLC on the north edge of Liberal for the proposed IHOP development. This will allow Liberal Restaurant LLC to charge an extra 2% on sales to aid in the constuction costs of the property.

The Commissioners also approved issuing Industrial Revenue Bonds for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction, furnishing, and equipping of a hotel and conference center.

The Commission also approved the condemnation of property at 616 West First Street, approved the purchase of rifle optics for the police department, adopted a crushed concrete policy, and approved the expenditure of grant funds in the amount of $5400 for 2 Mid America Air Museum representatives to attend the USFIRST Annual Robotics Partner Conference in Manchester NH. The conference attendnce is in accordance contracts with the First Lego League and Junior First Lego League.

Commissioners also accepted the donation of over 8 acres of land on east Tucker Road . Commissioners then approved the construction of a Competitive Soccer Complex with 2 soccer fields, bleachers, lighting, and parking. Cost of the project will be $635,000.00. Construction should begin this fall.

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