City Commission Makes Planning and Zoning Board Appointment

The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening and approved Jeremy Benton to the Planning and Zoning Board. The Commission then approved the Final plat of the Alco Addition Replat and the Replat of a portion of the Doll Holiday Estates Addition to allow for more housing.

The Commission adopted Resolution 2412 for Abatement of nuisance conditions at 1581 N Calhoun. The property owner allowed City staff onto his property, and advised that he will be cleaning it up. Code Enforcement will be monitoring his cleanup process to make sure he follows through with the cleanup and may allow a small extension after passed and the 15 days are up, depending on his clean-up effort.

Commissioners approved the Comprehensive Insurance Renewal with Al Shank Insurance, Inc. and approved the purchase of a Bobcat skidsteer in the amount not to exceed $62,000.00 for the Street Department.

B & H Paving Inc. was awarded the bid for the 2024 Chip Seal Project not to exceed $520,000 with the funds to come from the Special Highway Fund.