City Commission Approves Sewer Rate Increases for residents

The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening and in new business, approved the audit of the City’s finances for 2022 and entered into a contract with Hay, Rice, and Associates for the audit of 2023.

The Commissioners approved to modify the sewer rate evaluation method for new customers and those who move from one location to another within the City, and also approved an increase to sewer rates to cover the upcoming loan repayments on the new Wastewater Plant.

Approved was the purchase of two (2) Hustler Super Z 72″ rear discharge
mowers from Keating Tractor in an amount not to exceed $27,000 for the Parks Department. This to be funded by the Beautification portion of the One Cent Sales Tax, and Commissioners approved the purchase the Bobcat mini-excavator with a price not to exceed $69,000.00 for the Water Department.

The Building Maintenance Department and Traffic Maintenance Departments recently took over the old Street Department building which needed some repairs. The Commission approved to replace two overhead garage doors. and accepted the bid from Southwest Glass and Door for an amount not to exceed
$20,000.00 .

For Crack Sealing in the City, the Commission approved the bid of $214,886.75 from B&H Paving, Inc. for the 2024 Crack Seal. This will be funded through the Special Highway Fund and the Commissioners approved Ordinance No. 4613 adopting a plan for the development of housing and public facilities in Ortuno Addition, a partial replat of the McCray Addition.

The City Commission give immediate approval to condemn the property at 211 Coolidge and the Commission denied, at the recommendation the Planning and Zoning Board, for a special use home occupation for a psychologist’s office at 2124 Nevada.

The Liberal Airport is selling more lots to tenants. 7 tenants approved to purchase their lots are Cimarron Investments, Crown Consulting, Firma Dechant, Gary & Kristen
Classen, Darren Gilmore, Jayhawk Southwest and Richardson Trucking.

Appointed to the Mid America Air Museum Advisory Board were:

MAAM Foundation Appointments:
Bill Lyddon
John Smith

City of Liberal Appointments:
Lidia Hook-Gray
Connie Bowman
Dr. Ryan Farrar
Matthew Fenn
Tracy King
Mark Marcellus
Austin Downs

In lieu of a pay increase, approved for the city manager was his request to accrue vacation at the maximum rate allowed by city policy and an additional five days for calendar year 2024. This is typically reached at an employee’s eleven-year mark. Also approved for the city manager was request mileage for business travel outside the county.