The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 5:30 in the City Commission Chambers. First item on the agenda that was approved, after a presentation by the Liberal High School Student Council, was a fireworks display in the east parking lot of the High School after Homecoming on October 2nd.
Discussed was the celebration of Halloween in the City. Commissioners heard from members of the Emergency Operations Command, and will wait to make a decision based on the EOC’s recommendation closer to Halloween.
Commissioners approved closing of all City owned enclosed rental facilities in the City to the public.
Commissioners approved the purchase of a Disinfectent System for City Hall in the amount of $9,925 then will request reimbursement for the funds through the CARES Act. The Commission also approved negotiating with KDHE on the Waste Water Loan Agreement.
Focus on the Future’s request was approved in the amount of $3348 for advertising. And no action was taken after an Executive Session regarding the acquisition of real property.