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Candidate Filings For Seward County

KSCB News - April 3, 2012 10:49 am

Bill McBryde, republican incumbent, has filed for the Seward County Sheriff position. Filings to date include Stacia Long, republican incumbent, for Seward County Clerk, Sherry Wilson, republican incumbent, for Seward County Treasurer, and Larry Phillips, republican, for County Commission District 1.

The filing deadline for the following offices is June 1, 2012 at noon.

One candidate for United States Representative 1st District
One candidate for State Senate 38th District
One candidate for State Representative 124th, 125th Districts
One candidate for District Court Judge, 26th District, 2nd Division
One candidate for County Commissioner First District
One candidate for County Commissioner Fifth District
One candidate for County Clerk
One candidate for County Treasurer
One candidate for County Register of Deeds
One candidate for County Attorney
One candidate for County Sheriff
One candidate for Township Trustee, Seward Township
One candidate for Township Treasurer, Seward Township
One candidate for Township Trustee, Fargo Township
One candidate for Township Treasurer, Fargo Township
One candidate for Township Trustee, Liberal Township
One candidate for Township Treasurer, Liberal Township

The following officers will be elected in each political party which has qualified to participate in the Primary Election:

One Precinct Committeeman in each Precinct
One Precinct Committeewoman in each Precinct


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