Board of Education Tables Capital Outlay Resolution
KSCB News - March 10, 2010 12:00 am
The main focus of USD 480’s Board of Education meeting on Monday was the decisions about what to do with South Middle School and Liberal High School. The board did still have another action item though which was setting a new capital outlay resolution for the next five years.
The board tried to do this last year, but a petition halted the process and a special election failed causing the district to have no capital outlay for the 2009-10 school term.
The resolution that was not passed by the voters was to for the mill levy to not exceed 8 mills over a five year period. The agenda for Monday’s meeting had a recommendation by administration to set the capital outlay up to not exceed 4 mills over the next five years.
The board chose to table the item though so the public has a chance to know more about the change and so it will take place during a regularly scheduled night meeting, instead of it taking place over the noon hour. It was a 6-0 vote to table the capital outlay vote until Monday, March 22, which is when the board will meet next.