Bee Jays Break Out the Brooms Against the Broncos

Brock Kappelmann - June 18, 2018 7:18 am

The Liberal Bee Jays wrapped up their second three game sweep of the season Sunday night.  After a rain out Saturday, Liberal beat the El Dorado Broncos 5-1 and 7-5 at Brent Gould Field.  The Bee Jays finish 4-2 on the home stand after they were 4-2 on their first road trip.

In game one, Brett  Mathews struck out 10 in five innings.  He struck out the first seven batters he faced.  Ryan Thomas pitched two scoreless innings.  El Dorado only had one hit and three errors while Liberal had nine hits and no errors.  In the first, Clint Allen doubled and the BJ’s loaded the bases with two outs.  Brett Vosik delivered a two RBI single up the middle with two outs for a 2-0 lead.  Boone Montgomery singled to lead off the second and would score on an Allen sac fly.  Tom Lichty had Liberal’s only hit of the third as the Broncos made two errors helping the BJ’s to a 5-1 lead.

In game two, Liberal dug themselves a 5-0 hole after El Dorado’s Brady Sargent hit a grand slam to left for a 5-0 lead in the middle of the third.  Chase Hacker singled and would score on Dane Simon’s sac fly.  Hacker ripped a two RBI single to left to score two in the fourth to make it 5-3.  Brock Burton singled and scored in the fifth to make it 5-4.  Liberal broke through in the sixth of the seven inning game.  Chase Hacker was beaned and pinch runner Blake Brewster came into the game.  Jonathan Tapia’s sac bunt was fired into right field for an error allowing Brewster to score all the way from first.  Clint Allen singled home Tapia to give the Bee Jays the lead.  Brett Vosik grounded out but drove home Dane Simon who had singled.  Liberal out-hit the Broncos 9-3 and the Broncos had five errors.  Jake Hamilton went 2 and 2/3 innings allowing four and Boone Montgomery went 1 and 1/3 allowing a run and Hayden Udall was three scoreless innings with six strikeouts for the win.

Liberal is 8-4 in the Jayhawk and El Dorado is 3-7.  The Bee Jays put on a youth clinic in Perryton Monday 10-12.  The Bee Jays next game in Tuesday at Great Bend against the Bat Cats at 7 at Veteran’s Park with pre-game at 6:45 on 1270 and

Photos by Dee Dee Luebbers


Audio from Saturday’s rainout:


Sunday Game 1 audio:


Sunday Game 2 audio:

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